My new Barnett’s Laptop hoop!

Happy Caturday everyone!


If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you may have seen my excitement build up on my stories posts. I have been waiting patiently for this particular parcel to arrive for months now!!

I was fortunate enough to chat with Harry from Barnett’s Laptop Hoops and schemed up the perfect hand quilting hoop for me!

If you don’t know about Harry Barnett’s hoops, this is his website :

Harry makes hoops for hand quilting , rug hooking, cross stitch and other crafts where a hoop is needed. He hand makes all of his hoops with quality materials and made to last a lifetime and more !

While we were trying to figure out what I would enjoy most, we decided that his 14″ square “vented” lap frame with a bean bag would be the best fit for me! I love to hand quilt while sitting on my recliner , on the couch or in bed. But with the hoop I had before, it was a single hoop that I’d have to prop up with 2 pillows and support with my knees. Don’t get me wrong, a single hoop and pillows helped me be comfy while hand quilting, but was it the Cadillac of hand quilting hoops?

Barnett’s hoops ARE the Cadillac of crafting hoops!

The most appealing part of his hoops is that if you are interested in adding a base to it, he makes the hoop with magnets at the bottom so that can easily attach to at of the bases he offers : the bean bag, the sit on base or the popular floor stand. I am already trying to get my husband to “surprise me” with the floor stand under the Christmas tree this year! Haha 

If you’re on Facebook, he has a fan page :

My exact hoop can be found on this Etsy Listing :

Sure , there is a 10-12 week wait to receive your hoop but they are SO worth the wait! So if you are in need of your Goldilocks hoop or you have a loved one that would just love you to pieces for gifting them a Barnett’s laptop hoop, reach out to Harry and get your order in!

These hoops make a great gift and an even better Christmas gift! Get ahead of the crowd and place your order with Harry. Let him know that Diana Ray sent you!

I leave you with an outtake of my photo shoot earlier today… our two babies love to be involved !

Might you have a Barnett hoop? Which base do you like most?

I’m curious about the sit on base and the floor stand!

Toodles for now,

-Diana and the Miller cats and dogs!

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